Cycling S.A. Cape Town
Cape Town is amazingly beautiful, but presents a challenging environment for cycling. Hills must become your friend, your accomplice in finding epic viewpoints and coastline experiences. You could haul your bike on a rack, but you'd be missing out on so much that makes Cape Town unique. If you are planning to participate in the annual Cape Town Cycle Tour (aka "Cape Argus" from when it was sponsored by the Argus newspaper) you should be aware that 108km in Cape Town can be like no other 108km anywhere else. Wind, weather, and accumulated elevation can all play a big part in your Cycle Tour experience - along with the fact you'll be on the road with 30,000 other cycling nutters. If you are a relatively novice cyclist just plan to enjoy yourself and give yourself plenty of time and rest stops. Cycling the Argus with a group helps tremendously.